To: All NIPSA HSC members
12 January 2023
Dear member,
NIPSA Industrial Action Update January 2023
While I would like to begin with wishing you all a Happy New Year in 2023, the reality is that I must provide an update in relation to the ongoing Industrial Action Dispute regarding Pay, Safe Staffing and Travel Reimbursement.
The current Crisis in Health will not be resolved quickly and likewise the current Industrial Action will also need to be a continuous and determined campaign to bring Government and Employers to negotiate meaningful resolutions.
To this end I write to update in regards to the current calendar of Industrial Action being undertaken by NIPSA that requires your ongoing support including;
Continuous Action Short Of Strike (ASOS) NIPSA has notified employers of an additional two core actions and includes;
For All NIPSA Members
§ Hours of work will be strictly within normal paid hours;
§ No unpaid work;
§ No coverage provided for vacant posts;
§ No coverage for long term sick or maternity leave;
§ Take all normal breaks.
§ Ensure Employer adheres strictly to health and safety protocols
§ Refusing to cover the work of other workers taking industrial action (except in life and limb emergencies)
Joint Trade Union action with Unison in regards to their Non Continuous Action Short of Strike (ASOS) 16 January to 29 January 2023 (inclusive).
This will include mirroring work to rule action and Withdrawal from all union/management/department of health engagement except regional meetings on dispute resolution. All NIPSA Members are required to participate in Specific Continuous Industrial (ASOS) to highlight the issue of Travel Reimbursement on the 20 January 20 February and 20 March 2023 as follows;
This Industrial Action will be repeated on a monthly basis including the 20 February and 20 March 2023.
All NIPSA members are also required to participate in joint Strike Action on the 26th January 2023 with attendance at Picket lines essential. (further details re times to follow).
NIPSA also wishes to give notice to members that it intends to take further Industrial Action specifically to highlight Safe Staffing issues in February 2023 with details to follow.
This Action remains necessary as the failure of Government to enter into meaningful negotiations and the ongoing involvement of a Pay Review Body that fails to deliver realistic Pay rise’s for Members in Health at a time of Crisis in both Health Service demand and a rising cost of living crisis leaves Member’s underpaid, undervalued and unsupported.
This is indeed a long term dispute and NIPSA will continue to work collaboratively with Other Health Trade Unions to maximise the campaign of action in Health.
NIPSA Members following the completion of Specific Selective Action will continue to support the Continuous Action as outlined above until notified otherwise.
Should you have any queries or require further information in regards to NIPSA Industrial Action contact your local Branch Representatives or the NIPSA dedicated Industrial Action Information line on 07970378057.
Yours sincerely
Terry Thomas
Assistant Secretary