If you are employed by a Health and Social Care Trust (or indeed if you just work in the public sector) – you can join NIPSA.
In Branch 730 most of our members work in Belfast Health and Social Care Trust. We also have members in the Blood Transfusion Service based on the site of the City Hospital and members in Glenmona Resource Centre, a residential facility for young people.
Agency Staff can also join NIPSA, but we would want to point out that technically the Agency you work for is your employer. We would particularly encourage those staff in professional grades i.e. Social Work, to join NIPSA. We have great experience of working with regulators such as the Northern Ireland Social Care Council (NISCC) and can represent you if you get into difficulties. Phone NIPSA on 02890 661831 and ask to be put through to the membership section as you will need to complete a standing order form.
For Belfast Trust staff members all you need to do is print off a form and fill it in. You can get a form HERE.
If you would like further information about becoming a member of NIPSA Branch 730 then please contact:
Damien Maguire: Mobile No: 07525669380
You can also email us at: NIPSA@belfasttrust.hscni.net