Update on Pay and Strike Action

Nipsa’s Health Panel met yesterday (Thursday) to review and discuss the current position on Pay and the current issue of industrial action.

The pay offer to NHS England staff was also discussed. While additional money for workers is always welcome, the Panel took the view that the offer, as currently constituted, does not provide the basis for addressing years of shortfalls on pay should it be offered to trade unions. Currently however there is still no pay offer – we are in limbo, with no functioning Government.

However, a meeting between the trade unions and Permanent Secretary will take place at some stage next week. We do not know if the NHS England Pay Offer or some other pay offer will be made from the PS to trade union side.

Given there is no pay offer, the Panel decided it has no choice but to call for further strike action. After discussion it was agreed strike action for Nipsa members in the BHSCT will take place on Monday 3rd April. The Branch will meet next week to make a determination on times for this.

Secondly, again in the absence of a pay offer, Nipsa will be instructing members across HSC Trusts to withdraw from using their cars for Trust business on Friday 31st March.

As is its legal responsibility, the Trust has been informed of the above actions.

Clearly the remedy to avert this action lies with the Secretary of State and the Permanent Secretary for Health, and should a pay offer be made to trade unions next week then this proposed action will be reviewed by Nipsa’s Health Panel.

We will provide an update when we have further information.