Notification of Strike Action & Commencement of Industrial Action

  • Nipsa Branch 730 All member strike on Monday 12th December 2022 from 9am-5pm
  • Indefinite action short of strike action beginning on Monday 5th December 2022

As is its legal duty, NIPSA has notified the employers of this action giving at least seven days’ notice before commencement of action. NIPSA Branch 730 will notify and update members accordingly – check our website: and follow us on Twitter and Facebook: Nipsa730.

We’re very aware members may have questions on the above and currently we have many emails and voice messages from members on specific issues.  Please be patient as we work our way through these various calls and emails.  We have also been asked to attend meetings by the Trust in relation to specific services/areas.  We will notify members as soon as possible of agreed picket lines and these discussions following an emergency Branch Committee meeting this afternoon.